Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
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Título : Global skills in public accountancy: a vision for the internationalization of the curriculum
Competencias globales en contaduría pública: una visión para la internacionalización de El curriculo
Palabras clave : Global skills;Internationalization of curriculum;Public accountancy;Higher education
Editorial : Red Iberoamericana de Pedagogía
Descripción : The article aims for identifying the global skills in public accountancy facing the construction of a vision for the internationalization of the curriculum ft to the dynamics of the globalización. Through a descriptive qualitative methodologic approach the global skills are addressed from the perspective of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Then, focus on the internationalization of the curriculum that contributes to the performance of the public accountant in the globalized world.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Red Iberoamericana de Pedagogía - REDIPE - Cosecha

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