Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - IAI - Cosecha : [2140] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 2140
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-An Interdisciplinary Study of Notched Idiophones (Omichicahuaztli) from the Excavations of Teotenango, State of Mexico de las excavaciones de Teotenango, Estado de México-
-“Maravilla, maravilla. Mbaé motepá?”: The Paraguayan Riddles of Robert Lehmann-Nitsche-
-Stela 1 from the Maya Site of Temblor, Petén, Guatemala-
-Possible New Inchoative Suffix in the Chichén Itzá Inscriptions-
-The Importance of the Xbaxton Jtotik Among the Contemporary Tsotsil in San Juan Chamula, Chiapas, Mexico-
-Nominal Possession in the Mochica Language-
-Contemporary Nahua Oral Tradition and Colonial Maps-
-A Pot Where Many Worlds Fit: Culinary Relations in the Andes of Northern Argentina-
-Weaving Speech: Vocabulary of the Textile Tradition of Zapotec Communities of the South of Oaxaca, Mexico-
-Defending the Sacred Mountain. The Painting ’Landscape of the West Indies’ by Jan Mostaert and the Conquest of Gran Canaria-
-Extreme Andean Experiences. Rumita, yakuta, allpata ima qachachiyaspam purin. ¡Lliwta!-
-“The Whole Country of Mexico is a Great Cemetery of Fabulous Cultures”. The Hungarian Artist Pál Horti and his Mexican Collection-
-Manufacture and Recycling of Glycymeris gigantea Bracelets in the Sayula Basin and the Bolaños Canyon-
-When Andean Family Education is Interrupted by Initial Education: the PRONEIs (Programas no Escolarizados de Educación Inicial) in the Sierra de Ancash (Peru)-
-Recordings of the Extinct Mochica Language-
-Sincronología y Cronografía Indiana-
-Santa María de la Antigua and Darién. The Two Faces of the First European City in Terra Firme-
-Réplica a Juan Javier Rivera Andía: Nuevos estudios sobre la peculiar iglesia virreinal de Incahuasi y la historia de una región postergada de los Andes (área Cañaris, Lambayeque, Perú). Indiana 33,2 (2016): 145-160.-
-The Documentation of the Amazonian ‘Língua Geral’ (Tupi-Guarani) in Three Dictionaries from the Mid-18th Century-
-Eighteenth-Century Vilela-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 2140