Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Faculdade de Educação. Universidad Estadual de Campinas - FE/UNICAMP - Cosecha : [2783] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 2783
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The obsession for excenllence: world class Universitities in Brazil?-
-Formation of researchers and multi-referentiality: emerging issues-
-The evaluation “is the ball turning on the wheel” reflections on evaluation practices at university-
-The emotional language in online teaching: everyday educational implications-
-Phases of the process of recognition of higher courses: the case of the Federal Institute Farroupilha-
-The presence of Paulo Freire’s thought a teacher education course in Brazil and Portugal-
-Permanent auto(trans)formation and teacher development in the context of PIBID-
-Editorial : Higher education policies in Latin America-
-Useful apps: a teaching process - learning applied to the daily needs-
-Active technological learning-
-Changes and continuities of the legal frameworks of the pedagogy course in Brazil-
-Interfaces of educational policies on scientific production and training of researchers in Latin America-
-Conceptual challenges and evasion trends in higher education : the reality of a community univerty-
-An analysis of the formative emphasis of professional master degrees directed to mathematics teachers-
-Strategies used in the process of teaching and learning: planning of students and teachers pf physical education-
-Graduation courses in special education and emerging contexts-
-Teacher training and work : challenges and perspectives-
-Intreview with prof. Jussi Vãlimaa: finnish higher education, university and collegiality in times of globalization-
-Pedagogical wind-vanes: a methodological proposal for undergraduate courses in ead modality in a communitarian institution-
-The expansion of face-to-face higher education in Santa Catarina (1990-2016)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 2783