Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Humanas - CISH/FCSH - Cosecha : [2196] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 761 a 780 de 2196
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Rebellious regions. Ethnography of the political identity and the territorial construction of the "Llanos del Yarí, Colombia"-
-Extractive activities between tradition and law. Knowledges between mosses and capote soil at the village of Santa Elena, Medellín-
-Brazil’s deferred highway: mobility, development, and anticipating the state in Amazonia-
-Ethnography as a tool in social intervention projects for development-
-Cultural processes and adaptation to climate change: lessons from two islands of the Colombian Caribbean rim-
-Changes in the family composition in San Sebastian Palmitas. The case of two families in the district-
-Management experiences with the Schools of Antioquia’s Regional Music Plan-
-Excess and Triviality: On the impossibility of narrating paramilitary horror in Colombia-
-Pesos, Dollars, Bricks: The Spatialities of Savings in Argentina-
-Transformations of the Colombian state: from militarization to competition-
-Colonization, memory and resistance. Constructing the Yaguara II territory (Llanos del Yarí, Colombia) from an experience of exile-
-The historical writings and the thick storm of Colombia as a nation, 1847-1895-
-Archaeographies: a critical approximation to the archaeological cartographies of Colombia-
-Biological characterization of the Universidad de Antioquia’s human skeletal reference collection. Preliminary report-
-Las colecciones arqueológicas del Museo Antropológico de la Universidad del TolimaLas colecciones arqueológicas del Museo Antropológico de la Universidad del Tolima Héctor Salgado López Las colecciones arqueológicas del Museo Antr-
-Nuevas propuestas para la interpretación del pasado: San Agustín, o el arte de la representación de mitos perdidos-
-Saberes y sabores, encuentros, desencuentros e invenciones en el Nuevo Reino de Granada-
-Manejo del mundo-
-El vino y los sueños-
-Spoliation in the resguardo of Cañasgordas, northwestern Colombia (1886-1920)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 761 a 780 de 2196