Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Humanas - CISH/FCSH - Cosecha : [2196] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 741 a 760 de 2196
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Articulations between economic policy and cultural policy in Colombia. Cultural patrimony, the artisan sector and new forms of value and property-
-The patrimonialization of the intangible in Colombia. Who and what does the Colombian National Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage represents?-
-Highlights regarding a history of the Boletín de Antropología of the University of Antioquia (1953-2013)-
-Entropic time, relative time and modern time: thinking the space-time debate and its relation to environmental crisis-
-Feminismo desde Abya Yala Ideas y proposiciones de las mujeres de 607 pueblos en nuestra América de Francesca Gargallo Celentani-
-Sobre la cátedra Hernán Henao-
-El espacio móvil-
-Considerations about the public enemy in Colombia: 1998-2009-
-Prior consultation, differentiated (ethnic) citizenship and socioenviromental conflict-
-La Catedral" and "Montecasino": spaces for citizen memories and mirrors of the state?-
-La Marquesa de Yolombó: between the territory of magic and the territory of instrumental reason-
-The "Desfile de Silleteros". Using the parade as trademark and the trademark as parade-
-Quechua community in Medellín: language, identity and culture-
-Women: between sacrifice and negotiation-
-Friction: etnografiando lo global en las montañas de Indonesia-
-Sobre una arqueología de la arqueología. A propósito de una reflexión de la disciplina-
-Paramilitarism and everyday life in San Carlos (Antioquia): ethnography from the perspective of an anthropology of violence-
-Folklore and heritage confronting the hybridization and globalization of Colombian music. Tensions between tradition and modernization, cultural politics, power and identity-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 741 a 760 de 2196