Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigaciones - CIFFyH/UNC - Cosecha : [1788] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 841 a 860 de 1788
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Dear villa: The marginalist ecstasy on television and in the argentine narrative in the zero years-
-Introduction to Dossier. Jumping over the fence: for a situated reading of the current literature of the south of Chile and Argentina-
-American becoming of argentine terror. A critical dialogue with Franco Bifo Berardi-
-El astronauta en su tierra: la poesia de Emanuel Bravo en El Astronauta-
-El tejido subterráneo: notas para una germinación-
-Poemas & prosas breves-
-Political-Ethics in Salmos by Ernesto Cardenal-
-Introduction: poetic self-fiction, national traditions and rising pan-Hispanicism-
-The Lyrical Intention. Notes on an Archgenre-
-Critical Approach to a New Poetry in Colombia. Study and Poetic Exhibition-
-Editorial Staff-
-A Refugee Flâneur or On the Poet in Paris During the Interwar Period, 1939-1940-
-Urban Scene, History and Poetics in José Agustín Goytisolo-
-Acts of Speech in the Advertising Discourse of the Written Rural Press: The Case of the Newspaper My Canton-
-Literature and Politics on the Barrilete Magazine Pages (1963-1974)-
-A Dissident Avant-Garde: the Case Casey-
-Editorial Staff-
-A Shelter to the Art: The Local as Resistance in Casa Managua, Tucumán (2007-2017)-
-The Tradition Imagined in Adán Buenosayres of Leopoldo Marechal and Chronicles Of The Grey Angel of Alejandro Dolina-
-Folklore and Transition (1982-1984): Strategies around the Song "Grito Santiagueño" of Raúl Carnota-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 841 a 860 de 1788