Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
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Título : Introduction to Dossier. Jumping over the fence: for a situated reading of the current literature of the south of Chile and Argentina
Introducción al Dossier: Saltar el cerco: para una lectura situada de la literatura actual del sur argentino chileno
Palabras clave : Argentinian and Chilean literature;South;Patagonia;poetry;narrative;comics;20th and 21st centuries;literatura argentina y chilena;sur;Patagonia;poesía;narrativa;historieta;siglo XX y XXI
Editorial : Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
Descripción : This introduction presents some works and provides an overview for the understanding of the current literature of the south of Chile and Argentina. We address its emergence from the literary workshops, and the activities that emerged from them, held in both countries during the dictatorships. Also, we explore the relevance of the novel in the 21st century as part of an integral project of writers. We explain some central theoretical concepts: first, the definition of ‘southern cultural area’ (Gabriela Espinosa) as it integrates south of Chile and Argentina; in addition, the concept of ‘militant meridionality’ and the reading matrix ‘pecuniarization of space’ (Laura Pollastri) are both displayed here; we also present a central concept for Mapuche literature ‘nütram’ (Silvia Mellado). Finally, we introduce the articles centered in some relevant authors and works of this literature: Elicura Chihuailaf, Ivonne Coñuecar, Rosabetty Muñoz, Macky Corbalán, Gustavo De Vera, and an approach to the Argentine Patagonian comic through the works of Chelo Candia and Alejandro Aguado. In this manner we constitute a general overview of the current literature of the southern cultural area and of the theoretical-methodological instruments that we have elaborated for its study.
Esta introducción presenta los trabajos y da cuenta de un panorama para la comprensión de la literatura actual del sur argentino chileno. Abordamos su emergencia a partir de los talleres literarios efectuados en ambos países durante las dictaduras y de las actividades que se desprendieron de ellos. También, exploramos la relevancia que reviste la novela en el siglo XXI como parte de un proyecto integral de los escritores.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigaciones - CIFFyH/UNC - Cosecha

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