Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigaciones - CIFFyH/UNC - Cosecha : [1788] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 861 a 880 de 1788
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-This is Santiago del Estero: Images of the Nation and Province in the Courtyard of the Indian Froilán-
-To Name the Tradition... Or the Future? Folk-Lore, Posfolklore, Folk-Link: Doubts, Comments and Proposals-
-Folkloristas y Folklorólogos: the Strategies of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Discourse of the Folklore Magazine (1961-1981)-
-The Carnival Aesthetics and the Impeachment of Dilma Roussef in the Street Manifestations of the City of São Paulo (2015-2016)-
-Inscription of the Myth The Family in the Television Series The Appeared One, of Mariano Rosa-
-Of Attachments and Disengagements. Discussions around Folklore, Nationalism and Identity in the Last Quarter of the 20th Century-
-Dancing the Nation: Unity, Tensions and Fissures in the Configuration of the National Being-
-History, Production and Continuity of the Chilean Folklore Society (1909-2008)-
-Politics of Identity, Logics of Diversity and Folklore-
-Introducción. Nuevas articulaciones entre Folklore, Política y Nación en América Latina-
-Equipo editorial e Índice-
-Sycorax and the Notion of Nature: a Reading of A Tempest by Aimé Césaire in the Age of Anthropocene-
-Urban Landscape and Visual Arts in El acoso (1956) by Alejo Carpentier-
-The Teaching of Literary Theory at University Level. Notes on the History of the Chair of Literary Theory of the School of Letters of the UNC-
-The Desert as a Posibility: Raúl Zurita and Hugo Mujica after Nihilism-
-Justice and Passion. Discourses in Dispute for the Democratization of the Judiciary in Argentina-
-Image, Postura, Project. Bets on a New Approach to the Figure of the Author-
-Landscape, Poetry and Voice in Tributo del mudo by Diana Belessi-
-Imagined Maternity in Aloma and Carrer de les camèlies, of Mercè Rodoreda-
-"Turn Nature Into a Tapestry": Landscape in José Lezama, Vicente Gerbasi y Octavio Paz's Aesthetics-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 861 a 880 de 1788