Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología - UCM - Cosecha : [4968] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 4968
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The Passage of Time and Mortuary Practices: Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina)-
-The Archaeological Complex of Saqsaywaman (Cusco): An Architectural Approach-
-Festivals and Ceremonies of the Alaskan Eskimos: Historical and Ethnographic Sources, 1814-1940-
-The Cookery of Chullpas. Representations on the Past and Identities in the Present through Foods in Andes-
-"Inuksuit" in Western Greenland: Symbol and Trace of the Inuit Ancestral Relationship to Space-
-Cristina Vidal Lorenzo y Gaspar Muñoz Cosme (editores), “Los grafitos mayas. Cuadernos de arquitectura y arqueología maya 2”. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, 2009. 207 páginas, con planos arquitectónicos, dibujos, gráficos, diagramas y foto-
-From the Diabolical World of the Gentiles: Readings on a Very Present Past in the High-Andes of Potosi and Chuquisaca (Bolivia)-
-A Tecnomorphological Approach to Vasitos Chatos from Doncellas (Northern Puna, Argentina) through Archaeometric Techniques-
-Violencia y devoción: acercamiento etnográfico a los barrios de una comunidad maya de Campeche-
-Potters from Here or There: Stylistic and Technological Identity in the Pachacamac Valley (Peruvian Central Coast)-
-Textile as Matrix for the Development of Visual Arts in the Andes-
-Invisible Universe: An Approach to Jama Coaque Culture Through the Analysis of Two Ceramic Vessels at the Museo de América-
-Vessels for the Other World: Five Examples of Ceremonial Vessels Held on One Hand of Sican Elite Funerary Bundles-
-Comparing Mesoamerica and the Andes through Ethnography: Towards the Construction of a Model for Fieldwork-
-Intercultural Education and Revolución Educativa in Bolivia. Analyzing Processes of Cultural (Re)Essencialization-
-"Other-Maizes": Paths and Culinary Transformation of Maize in Ambato (Catamarca, Northwestern Argentina)-
-New Advances in Relation to Economic Practices of San Francisco Valley Foothill Groups (Northwest Argentina, 800 BC-AD 500) Trough Biomolecular Markers and Vegetable Micro Remain-
-Rock Spaces as «Open Works»: A Look at the Process of Making and Transforming Caves with Rock Art in the East of Catamarca (Argentina)-
-Pachamama in the Inca and Post-Inca Period: An Andean Vision from the Colonial Chronicles of Peru (16th and 17th Centuries)-
-Indigenous Ritual Action Versus the World System: Marubo Rites of Healing, Solidarity, and Resistance-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 4968