Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología - UCM - Cosecha : [4968] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 261 a 280 de 4968
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Becoming Other, Becoming a Relative: The Masato Feasts among Yaminahua (Peruvian Amazon)-
-Early Immigrants: Maragatos in Patagonia, Argentina. The Caves of Fort of Nuestra Señora de El Carmen-
-The Strange Visitor: Towards a Theory on Amazonian Rituals-
-Beads, the Inka and the Whites: Glass Beads in Kaxinawa and Amerindian Mythology and Ritual-
-Environment and Resources: A Study About Gathering in La Quebrada (Catamarca, Argentina)-
-The Effects of Tourism on the Indigenous Cultures of Latin America-
-American Anthropology and Spanish State Museums: Past, Present, and Future?-
-Identificación de concha de bivalvo (Spondylidae) asociada a un entierro del Periodo Formativo Medio en el valle de Mascota, Jalisco, México-
-The Golden Armor of a Coclé Chief: The Gold Pectorals from Tomb 2 at the Necropolis of El Caño (AD 900-1020)-
-Séverine Bortot, Dominique Michelet, Véronique Darras (editores). "Almacenamiento prehispánico del Norte de México al Altiplano Central"-
-Oralidad, parentesco y educación indígena: el proceso de transmisión de la cosmología a los niños nahuas del México Central-
-Introducción al dossier-
-Perceptions of the Members of Viceregal Expeditions on the Indigenous Management of Territories and Resources of the North of the Patagonia by the End of the 18th Century-
-The Indigenous Weaving in the Southern Patagonia, Argentina. Analysis of the Reasons for its Adoption by the Aónik’enk and Posing of a New Explanatory Proposal-
-Rituals to Make «Justice». Curses, Invocations, Yatiris and Offerings for Freedom in the Prison of San Pedro (La Paz, Bolivia)-
-Las Pailas. New Contributions to the Understanding of Prehispanic Agriculture-
-Sequence of Lithic Production at the Site of Mesada del Agua Salada, Caspinchango, Yocavil Valley-
-"Ahuianime": The Seductive Women of the Prehispanic Nahua World-
-Father Kino’s Pima-
-Hamlets, Houses and Cornfields. Residential and Productive Space Archaeology in the Central Argentina Hills (ca. 1100-300 BP)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 261 a 280 de 4968