Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - IAI - Cosecha : [2140] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 781 a 800 de 2140
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-“In Whose Heads I Would Like My Ideas To Live”: Humboldt’s Interest in the United States-
-Latin American Indians through Dialogue and Speech Acts in the Travel of Alexander von Humboldt-
-Frederic Edwin Church: Humboldt’s Painter in the Andes-
-Science During the Independence of the American Continent. The Fundamental Role of Alexander von Humboldt-
-Versions of a Humboldt Study on Central America-
-Alexander von Humboldt and Latin America. Introduction-
-The Avant-Gardes To Debate: The Fight Ultraism/ Creationism in the Epistolary Exchange of Huidobro, Diego y Larrea-
-Iberoamerican Reviews-
-Jorge Semprún, Leading Figure of Twentieth-Century Europe (I)-
-15-M towards a Constitutional Change in Spain from Documentaries 50 días de mayo (Ensayo para una revolución) (Alfonso Amador), Todos cuentan 15-M (David Serrano Bouthelier) and Excelente, revulsivo importante (Stéphane M. Grueso)-
-From Vindication to Anger: Spaces of Crisis in Contemporary Spanish Cinema-
-Square and Room: Space and Identity in the Short Films about the Crisis-
-The Lives of the ‘Lost Gloves’: Stories and Spaces of Emigration During the Crisis (In a Foreign Land, Bollaín)-
-Faces and Spaces of Austerity in Iberian Cinemas (2007-2016)-
-Iberoamerican Reviews-
-Landscapes of the Crisis in Iberian Cinemas. Introduction-
-The Big Latin American Electoral Cycle-
-Jorge Semprún, Leading Figure of Twentieth Century Europe (II)-
-“Stop, Brother, the Land Belongs to God!” Praxis: Transformations of Liberationist Christianity in Chicomuselo, Chiapas-
-A Family Theology for Latin American People? Radicalization of the Christian Family Movement in Argentina (1968-1974)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 781 a 800 de 2140