Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 989
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Presentación del Dossier. Socioformación, sostenibilidad y educación-
-Strategies and mechanisms for integration of migrants in Spain-
-The hyphen or the expression of eroded identity in the Guinean-Ecuadorian migration narrative-
-The Canary and Wood Islands in the columbian historical-fictional route of discovery: analysis of constructive and deconstructive elements-
-Presentation Dossier: Identity dynamics in plural contexts in the XX-XXI centuries. A view from the South-
-Book Review: Miradas de Irán. Historia y Cultura-
-We are hungry, and we want to eat: popular protests, liberation Christianity and political cultures in Brazilian transition-
-Atrasado para a revolução ou como sobreviver ao processo contrarrevolucionário: a experiência de exílio de Augusto Boal em Portugal-
-Referencialidad, funcionamiento y simbolismo ideológico del Norte y del Sur en A Better Life y Africa Paradis-
-The provenance of dualist ontology: between the project of scientific modernity and neo-extractivism-
-From guerrilla to party: political transformations in the trajectory of the National Liberation Action based on the case of the Leninist Tendency-
-The multigrade school as a service to the Quilombola school community-
-Living in confinement: interactions in an Adolescent Treatment Center-
-Arabness in the South American narrative of the second half of the 20th Century and the literature of the Mahyar-
-On the need for contextual philosophy. Dussel and Roig, two contributions to think about the present of Latin American philosophizing-
-Relationships between Disability Studies and Science, Technology and Society Studies: accessibility as a form of translation-
-A Tragic Guatemalan Itinerary: Determinism and Tragedy in Gregory Navas’s El Norte-
-Aborto no Islã: O Papel das Culturas e Virtudes na Ética Médica-
-The African Diaspora: between fracture and intercultural dialogue in Argentina-
-Review of Se levanta el clamor popular. Experiencias del pueblo organizado durante el gobierno de los mil días 1970-1973 by Enrique Gatica (Eds)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 989