Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Religación - RGN - Cosecha : [989] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 989
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Use and need of Emerging Technologies in Cuenca companies for academic reinforcement-
-Digital tools for the development of reading comprehension-
-Teleducación, teletrabajo y brecha digital como impulsadores del incremento de demanda del internet-
-The Need to Decriminalize Euthanasia in Ecuador-
-Feminisms of the South: epistemological knots to articulate another investigation-
-Identification of the teaching approaches used by the teachers of the “William Tell” private school-
-Financial Stability, Liquidity and Profitability as Indicators Toward the Viability of Non-Life Insurance Companies in the Philippines-
-Critical epidemiology in a Latin American key for a counter-hegemonic health-
-Indigenous Peoples’ Movement against Mining: A study of Sundergarh district, Odisha in Eastern India-
-Analysis of educational policies and the challenges of the Garifuna indigenous language in Honduras-
-The colonial marks at school. A philosophical-educational view in primary schools in southern Mendoza-
-Critical analysis of the relationship of Human Rights and social work in the problem of violence against women-
-The Search for a Symphony: A Discourse on the Issue of Derivation, Revenue Allocation, and Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria-
-Emancipatory Methodologies: Knowledge Production and (Re)existence of the Misak People in Colombia-
-Beyond political identities: the role of the resistance of historical alterities in food sovereignty-
-From 1830 to 2008: colonialism and historical limitation of access to citizenship rights in Ecuador-
-Spanish visions about Asia throughout the 19th century: Ali Bey el Abbassi and Adolfo Rivadeneyra-
-Racialization folds. Peruvian workers in Buenos Aires City (1990-2021)-
-Re(ex/s)iting Menstrual Cartographies: Epistemological, Political and Ethical/Aesthetic Reflections on Visualities-
-Activismos feministas y decoloniales en las universidades: una estrategia posible hacia la descolonización del saber-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 989