Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Educación para el Desarrollo - CED - Cosecha : [675] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 675
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Towards a new Understanding of God as Love from the Simbolician Spectrum in Kusch, Feuerbach and Ortiz-Osés-
-Sistema de mediación familiar en Chile: reflexiones sobre el acceso a la justicia y la resolución colaborativa-
-Alteridad e injusticia: el problema de las representaciones imaginarias de los otros-
-Chicana hip hop in los Angeles: knowledges and ktruggles of the latin neighborhood in the feminine-
-Bruja positionalities: toward a chicana/latina spiritual activism-
-Violence, effects and alternatives of teachers and secondary students, a structural framework-
-Community of peace: an ‘other’ peace in San José De Apartadó, Colombia-
-Racionalidad individual y acción colectiva. Los desafíos de la cooperación y la reciprocidad-
-El coraje como actitud del ciudadano o sujeto político-
-Voices of resistance against the armed conflict: the experience of the theater as an alternative of communication and reconstruction of what’s public in the municipality of Tumaco-
-Autonomous challenges for thinking the peace and the indigenous people from Colombia-
-“Citizen culture” in Bogotá: biopolitics, hegemonization and cultural panic in the epoch of the culturalism-
-Postdevelopment at 25: on ‘being stuck’ and moving forward, sideways, backward and otherwise-
-Human rights and dignity of the indigenous people from Argentina-
-Approaches between Simón Rodríguez and Augusto Boal: masters in the art of inventing-
-Going beyond what is established: self-management and autonomy in low-income high schools in Buenos Aires (Argentina)-
-PPGA Focus, Social Movements and Democracies in Latin America-
-The political use of history. An approach to the discourse of the Mexican Revolution-
-Towards a new civilizatory moral: The socio-ecological dimension in the proposal of Laudato si’-
-Participate and manage the community: Utopia or Dystopia?-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 675