Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Iberoamérica - IB - Cosecha : [251] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 251
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Gender or ideology? Legislative elites preferences toward abortion in Mexico and Argentina-
-Interculturation and multiterritoriality: resistance and resilience strategies of Venezuelan migrants settled in Cúcuta, Colombia-
-The influence of cities and their environmental management in life satisfaction: urban and rural perspectives-
-Dilemmas of the digital public sphere: hate speeches and political-ideological articulations in Argentina.-
-Political Attitudes and Direct Aid Requests of Local Governments in Latin America-
-Characterization of Decoloniality in the Five Areas of Social Existence: Contributions by Aníbal Quijano-
-Financing the Business Elite? An Analysis Based on the Composition, Ownership and Boards of Directors af the Upper Echelons of Argentine Business-
-Why Do Citizens Accept Paying Bribes? Corruption Tolerance in Latin America-
-Frames for Collective Action in Former FARC-EP Guerrillas: Tierra Grata and Pondores (2017-2019)-
-Academic success of persons with disabilities in the university context. A qualitative analytical model-
-Public Opinion on the Role of Government and Market in Latin America-
-Determinants of household investment in human capital for childrens that can access higher education-
-Communicating Materialities: the Speaking Non-Objects of the Digital Amazon Forest-
-Effect of Space Dependence and Governance on the Effectiveness of Public Policies in Brazilian Municipalities-
-Analysis of the total productivity of the factors in Colombia (1950-2017)-
-Construcción de interculturalidad en el contexto educativo: el caso de una maestra mapuche en La Araucanía, Chile-
-Cultural Heritage in the Social Representations of Music Teachers in Latin American Contexts: Entre políticas, conceitos e representações sociais de professores-
-A new statistical approach to the problem of homicides in El Salvador-
-Processes of (re)territorialization in Chiapas (Mexico) peasant villages in migratory contexts-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 251