Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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-Education as a practice of freedom: an anthropological pedagogical reading to the thought of Paulo Freire-
-¿Es la paideia franciscana una tecnología formativa y pastoral?-
-From circles of ideas to circles of culture: human emancipation between the neohumanist debate and popular education-
-Individualización y formación universitaria en la sociedad del riesgo. Reflexiones a propósito del trabajo de Ulrich Beck-
articuloSaraV.hologramatica11_v1pp103_116.pdf.jpg2009La integralidad como multidimensionalidad : un acercamiento desde la teoría críticaAlvarado, Sara Victoria; Muñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro
-Luhmann y el déficit tecnológico en educ ción: ¿es posible la autorreferencia en el sistema educativo?-
-Master Simon Rodriguez: A critical thinker of latin american education-
2022Miradas diversas al gesto pedagógicoRunge Peña, Andrés Klaus; Muñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro; Sepúlveda Romero, Luis Vicente; Moncada Gómez, Roa Isabel; Romero Sánchez, Mónica Marcell; Planella Ribera, Jordi; Correa Vélez, Manuela; Saldarriaga Vélez, Jaime Alberto; Saldarriaga Vélez, Oscar; Ospina, Héctor Fabio; Buriticá Morales, Daniel Alexander; Ocampo-Montoya, Luz Diana; Veléz de La Calle, Claudia
art.AndresKlaus.pdf.jpg2005Mundo de la vida, espacios pedagógicos, espacios escolares y ex-centricidad humana: reflexiones antropológico-pedagógicas y socio-fenomenológicasMuñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro; Runge Peña, Andrés Klaus
2015Narrativas de experiencia en educación y pedagogía de la memoriaArfuch, Leonor; Delory; Dueñas, Tatiana; González Monteagudo, José; Herrera Cortés, Martha Cecilia; Ila, Paula Andrea; Muñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro; Murillo Arango, Gabriel Jaime; Murillo Arango, Gabriel Jaime; Murrillo Arango, Gabriel Jaime; Passeggi, Maria da Conceição; Rocha Solano, Maria Andrea; Runge Peña, Andrés Klaus; Souza, Elizeu Clementino de; Suárez, Daniel; Suárez, Daniel; Wulf, Christoph
-Paulo Freire in Latin American popular education: the why and the reason for being formed as a political people-
-Pedagogies reviews and transformation subjectivities-
-School Borders and Worlds of The Juvenile Life: Dialogs and Tensions between School and Juvenile Cultures-
-Social evolution and speculative sociobiology in authors of the degeneration of the race: race and evolution in colombia between 1900 y 1940-
-The meek cry or the importance of resisting multiple forms-
-The pedagogy of peace in the context of critical pedagogies-
-The question about life, time and work in capitalism: approaches between Karl Marx and Byung - Chul Han-
-The reading of context: popular education as a libertarian practice-
-The social commitment of the colleges of education: pedagogical reflections around education and the modernity crisis-