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Título : Capital movements in Argentina
Autor : Fanelli, José María
Machinea, José Luis
Palabras clave : Economía;Estabilidad económica;Flujos de capital;Liberalización;Macroeconomía;Movimientos de capitales;Política financiera
Fecha de publicación : 1994
Editorial : CEDES
Resumen : This paper aims to analyze capital movements in Argentina and, consequently, international factors will be considered exogenous. But even if everything could be explained by external factors alone -which we believe is not the case- we would still have a task ahead of us. This task is to identify and analyze the effects of a sudden and exogenous change in the amount and characteristics of capital inflows on macrostability and in the financial and real structures of the domestic economy.
Aparece en las colecciones: Otros Autores

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