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Título : 2. Theologal anthropology II: ethics as liberation criticism
Autor : Dussel, Enrique D.
Palabras clave : Antropología;Colonialismo;Colonización;Cristianismo;Ética de la liberación;Opresión indígena;Pobres;Religión;Teología de la liberación
Fecha de publicación : 1978
Editorial : Orbis Books
Resumen : These first two chapters take up the matter of theologal anthropology, that is, a theological consideration of the being of the person. I would like to show through this text how Jesus breaks through into the flesh, into the structures of sin, and blows them apart, being ground up nevertheless by the prince of this world. I also would like to go into the thinking of Franz Rosenzweig, who was a German- Jewish theologian at the beginning of the century. I have studied the Jewish theologians in considerable depth because they give a good account of the way things were before the Incarnation; they have a keen insight into pre-Christian happenings that helps one understand the complementariness of the Old Testament to Christianity.
ISBN : 0-88344-115-2
Aparece en las colecciones: Otros Autores

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