Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Chapter VI : an analysis of the evangelistic work continued by the church in Latin America
Autor : Dussel, Enrique D.
Palabras clave : Catolicismo;Colonialismo;Cristianismo;Historia;Iglesia;Indígenas;Misiones religiosas;Religión;Sociología de la religión
Fecha de publicación : 1982
Editorial : WM. B. Erdmans Publishing
Resumen : We believe that the major difficulty in this type of value judgment is the lack of a comprehensive method that permits the consideration of the phenomenon in its totality and not merely in a single aspect. It is necessary, therefore, to review briefly certain elements outlined in the Introduction regarding methodology. In order to evaluate the level of the evangelization of a community, it is necessary to know at which level one is now situated and to what point the evangelization has been achieved. Otherwise one can confuse the secondary for the essential, and vice versa.
ISBN : 0-8028-35-48-1
Aparece en las colecciones: Otros Autores

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