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Título : Sustainability ethics : ecology, economy, ethics. International Conference SusCon III, Shillong/India
Autor : Mukherjee, Sanjoy
Stückelberger, Christoph
Palabras clave : Desarrollo rural;Diversidad cultural;Ecología;Economía;Educación;Ética;Inmigración;Mujeres;Responsabilidad social;Violencia contra la mujer
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial :
Resumen : “Sustainable Development” is the goal 2015-2030 of the global community of states, adopted by the United Nations. This book shows how ecology, economy and ethics are all needed to reach these goals. Understanding a concept like ‘sustainability’ requires an understanding not only of what we are seeking to ‘sustain’, but also how man’s activities and needs are implicated in and can threaten the future of these biological systems. It is for this first point that we are concerned with Ecology, and for the second that we are concerned with Economics. Ethics then shows the orientation by values and virtues how human being should interact with the environment. The articles in this book come from one of the key countries of the world, India, whose population represents almost 20% of the world’s population. Questions surrounding economic development and environmental sustainability are fundamental to understanding the country’s future, and how it will tackle difficult issues, like the eradication of poverty. This publication represents a selection of articles presented at the Third Annual International Conference on Sustainability SusCon III in Shillong, India, which took place between the 6-8 March 2013, hosted by the Indian Institute of Management, a leading institute in the North East of India.
ISBN : 978-2-88931-069-2
Aparece en las colecciones: Otros Autores

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