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Título : Innovation and regulation in ICT. Keys for development
Autor : León, Omar de
Palabras clave : Acceso abierto;Desarrollo;Innovación tecnológica;Internet;Neutralidad de la red;Regulación;TICs - Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Editorial : IBEI
Resumen : The expansion of broadband speed and coverage over IP technology, which extend over transport and terminal access networks, has increased the demand for applications and content which by being provided over it, uniformly give rise to convergence. These shifts in technologies and enterprise business models are giving rise to the necessity for changing the perspective and scope of the Universal Service and of the regulation frameworks, with this last one based in the same principles as always but varying its application. Several aspects require special and renewed attention, such as the definition of relevant markets and dominant operators, the role of packages, interconnection of IP networks, network neutrality, the use of the spectrum with a vision of value for the citizenship, the application of the competition framework, new forms of licensing, treatment of the risk in the networks, changes in the regulatory authorities, amongst others. These matters are treated from the perspective of the actual trends in the world and its conceptual justification.
ISSN : 1886-2802
Aparece en las colecciones: Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals - IBEI

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