Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Revistas - Cosecha : [609] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 381 a 400 de 609
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Should Allow Future Peruvian Law On Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques The Figure Of "Pregnancy Post Mortem"?-
-Blastocyst Transfer In An Oocyte Donation Program: How To Reduce The Multiple Pregnancy Of High Order-
-Lifestyle And Reproductive Health-
-Twenty Five Years Of Human Assisted Reproduction In Peru-
-A Psychological Look At The Egg Donation And The Alternative To Disclose Or Not The Story Of Conception-
-Vitrification Ovulate: A Inteligent Decision. Role Of The Psychologist In The Treatment Assisted Reproduction-
-Bioethical And Legal Considerations Of Genetic Information And Prenatal Diagnosis-
-Biological Samples In Biomedical And Genetic Research: What Are The Ethical Parameters?-
-Assisted Reproduction Divergence Between Law And Mental Health: About The Situation Of Infertile Couples In Peru-
-Environmental Law from a Human Rights Perspective and Effective Government Management-
-Manuel Gonzalez Prada The Pathos of Liberty and the Logos of Rationality-
-An overview of the Sources of lex informatica-
-Security and citizenship in Mexico: Proposal for an effective exercise of citizenship-
-The improper use of deep-frying oils generates malonaldehyde, a toxic substance for health-
-Comparative study of the intervention of anti-riot groups for the restoration of rights-
-Imputability in the patrimonial responsibility of the State in the so-called extrajudicial executions and the subsequent for public agents-
-Analysis of the International Experience in Providing Administrative Services to the Population: What Relevance for its Enforcement in Ukraine?-
-The Failure in the Surveillance of the Security Mechanisms in the Importation of Vehicles and its Incidence in the Responsibility of the State-
-Protest music in Chile: Vehicle for diffusion of the social consignment of natural law-
-Assessing the quality of higher education:: Concepts and forms-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 381 a 400 de 609