Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito - PPGD/UNOESC - Cosecha : [552] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 552
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-A Realidade das Decisões sobre Liberdade de Expressão, Honra e Imagem no STF e no STJ-
-Right to health in Brazil: normative parameters for densification of a minimum core-
-Constitutional Issues in the Brazilian constitutional system between General Repercussion and the protection of fundamental individual rights-
-From forgetfulness to the deindexation: the internacional development of the controversy about the right to be forgotten e and the limitation of brazilian jurisprudence-
-A aplicação da mediação à resolução de conflitos ambientais-
-Street screams for human rights: a reflection on the criminalization of feminist and women’s social manifestations in Brazil and their impact on the effectiveness of human rights-
-Human dignity and the fight against enviromental racism: regional agreement of Escazú and E-Carroceiros Program, in Fortaleza, Ceará-
-Religious proselytism of the employee in the workplace: the search for a reasonable legal balance between gag and abusive speech-
-Fundamental right to social assistance: management councils and shelter service for young people-
-The concept of human rights: orthodox or political?-
-State duties of fauna protection and freedom of worship: Extraordinary Appeal 494.601 in the full bench of the Federal Supreme Court-
-“Driven by passion”: gender, race and class in the Angela Davis’ criminal process-
-Economic development, democracy and criticism to the ideological-structural foundations of capitalism: an analysis through human rights and the communist hypothesis of Alain Badiou-
-A diferenciação de preços entre homens e mulheres em estabelecimentos comerciais: diálogo entre a livre iniciativa e a proteção do direito fundamental à igualdade de tratamento entre homens e mulheres-
-Cleptocracias multipartidárias-
-Diretrizes para Autores-
-Folha de Rosto-
-The “Meaningful Engagement” and the promotion of democratic pluralism in the judicial enforcement of fundamental social rights in South Africa-
-The conventionality control diffuse ex officio and the prohibition of surprise decisions-
-Protection of personality in the digital environment: an analysis in the light of the case of the so-called Right to be Forgotten in Brazil-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 552