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Título : Forming Historical Consciousness - Towards a Humanistic History Didactics
Palabras clave : Historia;History Didactics;Historical culture;Historical consciousness
Editorial : Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Descripción : "This paper present some reflexions between History Didactics and a new concept of Humanism. It shows among other questions the challenges of nowadays historical culture, which come from the growth of the interculturality and communication in all dimensions of pratical human life. To develop the argumentation it has been necessary to clarify some categories like History Didactics, Historical consciousness, Historical culture, Historical learning and Humanism. Moreover, to answer the challenges, one has developed the idea of a new humanism and its implications for historical learning. The paper also discutes how to learn Universal History means the understanding that the unity of historical time within the diversity of historical experience and how it could be a contribution for people to learn to be human."
Otros identificadores : 1984-3356
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas - CLCH/UEL - Cosecha

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