Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Estudios Políticos - IEP/UdeA - Cosecha : [781] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 781
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-University and Security. Events, Situations, and Communities-
-Sección temática: Pregrado en Ciencia Política Universidad de Antioquia, 2004-2014. “Una década de pensamiento crítico y compromiso social”-
-The Nexus Migration-Displacement-Refuge in the Order of Things at the Border. An Analytical Approach-
-Typologies and Pathologies of State. Another Reading of State Formation and State Practices-
-The Uruguayan Frente Amplio in Argentina and the “voto Buquebus”. Citizenship and Transnational Political Practices in the Southern Cone-
-Times of Crisis and Times to Return? Migratory, Occupational and Social Trajectories of Returning Migrants in Ecuador-
-From Economic Migration to Forced Migration Due to the Increase of Violence in El Salvador and Mexico-
-A Feminist Critique of the Liberal Conception of Citizenship-
-Narratives of Return Migration and Mobility. Between Practices of Engagement and Multiple Spatialities in the City-
-Sección temática: Perspectivas diferenciadas de la migración internacional y transfronteriza-
-Carlos Gaviria Díaz, un recuerdo todavía vivo-
-Tapia Ladino, Marcela y González Gil, Adriana (eds.). (2014). Regiones fronterizas. Migración y los desafíos para los Estados nacionales latinoamericanos. Santiago de Chile: Universidad Arturo Prat, RIL.-
-Corporate Unity of the Pampeana’s Agricultural Bourgeoisie Against Labor Disputes: From the Clamore of a Repressive State Intervention to the Military Coup. Argentina, 1964-1966-
-Voter Behavior Studies in Latin America: A Literature Review of the Cases of Mexico, Argentina, Chile y Colombia, 2000-2010-
-Peace Talks in Colombia: The “End of the Armed Conflict” and the Possibilities for Peace-
-The Disorganization of the Class Action in the Recent Argentina and the Conceptual Problems for the Study of Labor Conflict-
-Honoring your Father and Saving the Country in No Lost Causes by Alvaro Uribe Velez-
-Max Weber and the Concept of the Political. The Warrior Ethics and Necessity of Guilt-
-Unusualness the Peace Process with the Milicias Populares de Medellin-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 781