Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Continuidade e variedade do neoliberalismo: reconsiderando maré rosa na América Latina
Continuidad y variedad del neoliberalismo: reconsiderar la marea rosa de América Latina
Continuity and Variety of Neoliberalism: Reconsidering Latin America’s Pink Tide
Editorial : Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos - ELA
Descripción : In this article we critically engage with the term and concept of “post-neoliberalism”, delineate different meanings in the literature and arrive at the conclusion that the term leaves more questions open than it answers. We therefore draw on literature that investigates the departure from (or persistence) of neoliberalism on a careful study of social power relations, i.e. Barry Cannon`s work on the rise of the right in Latin America. In taking his arguments further we present and examine transnational neoliberal think tank networks that are active in Latin America. We show the extent to which these networks have been developed across borders, investigate the key linkers within these networks are and situate the main currents within the contemporary constellation of right wing political ideologies. The article strengthens a relational perspective in the study of neoliberalism and its counter-forces and indicates research desiderata in the field of transnational ideological power structures. 
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Aparece en las colecciones: ELA - Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos - Cosecha

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