Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Cyberbullying, digital divide and digital skills for cyber-coexistence: description in high school´ students
Ciberbullying, brecha digital y habilidades digitales para ciberconvivencia: descripción en estudiantes de bachillerato
Editorial : Voces de la educación
Descripción : The objective is to know if students are located in the digital divide, have digital skills for cyber-coexistence and participate in cyberbullying. Quantitative research, 637 high school students from the State of Mexico participated. An instrument that measures the study variables was applied. It is concluded that the students present a digital divide in the second level, participate in cyberbullying and are not digital citizens.
El objetivo es conocer sí los estudiantes se encuentran situados en brecha digital, cuentan con habilidades digitales para la ciber-convivencia y participan en ciberbullying. Investigación cuantitativa, participaron 637 alumnos  (bachillerato). Se aplicó un instrumento que mide las variables del estudio. Se identificó que el alumnado presenta brecha digital, participa en ciberbullying y no son ciudadanos digitales.
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