Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - IAI - Cosecha : [2140] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 861 a 880 de 2140
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The Space of Critique, the Place of Utopia: The Theater of Juan Mayorga-
-The Possibility, at Least, of Fiction and Perjury in Dulce Chacón’s La voz dormida-
-Book reviews-
-Violence and Nepotism: The Career of the Colombian Political Elite and its Changes in the Last Forty Years-
-The Political Careers of Mexican Legislators. The Political Parties Matter-
-The Career Paths of Brazilian Governors-
-Latin America and the I World War-
-The Way out of Politics-
-Carrer and Ambition in Politics-
-Fragmented Bodies of Latin America: The Case of Mano de obra by Diamela Eltit and Passageiro do fim do dia by Rubens Figueiredo-
-Searching for South America: Secret Agents, Police Officers and Pimps in the League of Nations in the 1920s-
-A “Portuguese” Way of Being a Policeman: Police Cooperation and Post-Colonial Virtuosity in the Lusophone World-
-Opinião 50 years after…-
-If everybody would have samba...-
-State-Openness as a Global Agenda: Notes for the Debate on the Institutionalization of Participation and Transparency in Latin America-
-Political Strategy or New Democratic Culture? Citizen's Participation in Constituent Processes-
-Transparency in Latin America: New Challenges, the Same Agenda-
-Tax Transparency in Chile: A Fiscal Sociology Approach-
-On-Line and Off-Line Dynamics of Citizen Deliberation-
-The Representation of Vulnerable Sectors of Society in Argentinian Documentary Film: The Struggle for the Recovery of Jobs and Family Portraits-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 861 a 880 de 2140