Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - IAI - Cosecha : [2140] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 661 a 680 de 2140
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Iberoamerican Reviews-
-Violent Media and Gaucho Celebrations: The Cinematic Leap of Juan Moreira and the Spirit of the Centennial-
-Nuevas aproximaciones a la revista Amauta: redes y polémicas político-intelectuales en América Latina-
-Foreign and National Booksellers-Publishers-Printers, Architects of the Literary Culture of Mexico (1821-1838)-
-Rewriting the History of Farroupilha in the Commemoration of its Centennial: Between the Vargas Period, Souza Docca's Historiography and the Nationalization of the Regional-
-The Associação Portugal-RDA: Transnational and (Inter) Cultural Dynamics in Times of Revolution and Cold War (1974–1990)-
-A Complacent Memory? Street Name Changes in Lisbon During the Revolutionary Period-
-Censored Havana: Culture and Politics Through the Film Pasado Meridiano – PM (Cuba, 1961)-
-The Commission of the Black Book: The Searching for Truth in Portugal’s Democratization-
-Old News: Caribbean Dispersion and Integration in Ana Lydia Vega’s Encancaranublado-
-Brazilian Military Intelligence and the Revolution of April 25, 1974-
-Revolutionary Memories: (Trans)national Politics and Practices of Memory in the Portuguese Transition to Democracy. Introduction-
-Fraguando la unidad de dos estrellas solitarias. Relaciones políticas y culturales entre Chile y Cuba durante la Unidad Popular-
-Write on Water. Transatlantic Chronicles (Stricto Sensu) of Latin American Correspondent in the Spanish Civil War-
-A Literary Writing Between Languages: Portuñol (Portuguese-Spanish-Guaraní Translanguaging) in the Plot of South-South Dialogue-
-Joaquín Edwards Bello and His Chronicles About the Spanish Civil War-
-Cayetano Córdova Iturburu in the Spanish Civil War: Intellectual Journey, Journalism and Anti-Fascist Militancy-
-Nas vésperas da Revolução de Abril e logo após. Censura ao cinema em Portugal-
-Museal Fact and Representation of the Past: The Peruvian and Ecuadorian Experience in the Historical American Exhibition at Madrid in 1892-
-Legacies of Repression and Exclusion and the Opportunity of the New Constitution in Chile-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 661 a 680 de 2140