Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Religación - RGN - Cosecha : [989] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 481 a 500 de 989
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The Impact of On-The-Job Pilates Exercise on Job Satisfaction among the Female Employees of Urmia Electricity Distribution Company-
-Representaciones sociales del minero en el Bajo Cauca Antioqueño: construcciones subjetivas de un lugar en disputa-
-Young Children’s Use of Manipulatives to Represent Addition Concept-
-Declaring on income, expenses and property by public officials: Russian practice and foreign experience-
-YouTube application in supporting students’ Arabic listening skills-
-Code in the system of alternative regulatory legal acts: priority issues-
-Cybercrime as a global security threat-
-I - AQRAN module construction for Arabic vocabulary consolidation: A needs analysis-
-Learning organization practices in empowerment District Education Offices through Indicators of change management-
-Investigation of Morteza Momayez’s Illustrations in Epic of Gilgamesh Based on Julia Kristeva’s Intertextuality Theory-
-Are Obesity Levels Increasing in the “Transition Countries?”-
-Principals’ practices in co-curricular management-
-Pensamiento de Víctor Andrés Belaunde y José Carlos Mariátegui y su influencia en la formación axiológica de los docentes de la UNAMBA – Perú-
-The role of experiences and social networks in the construction of narratives in business-
-Presentación del Dossier: El Estado que nos protege: Comunidades, Recursos Naturales y Derechos de la Naturaleza-
-Experience of recovering addicts undergoing the 7 steps recovery in addiction program (7-SRA) as an aftercare treatment-
-Employers’ provision of lifelong learning programs for their workers-
-A questão democrática na integração: experiências na América Latina-
-The Validation of 5F-WEL instrument to examine the Well-Being of Muslim converts in Malaysia-
-Opportunities for Developing the Moral Sphere of Personality in Children with Intellectual Disability-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 481 a 500 de 989