Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 441 a 460 de 989
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Sociological Study of Identity Instability in Children of Parents with Drug Addiction-
-Competitive advantage toward construction project development in the United Arab Emirates-
-Funeral landscape, Fading of the rite of offering and proliferation of the same-
-The effect of fun and interactive games as a strategy in teaching coordinates to enhance students’ performance in Mathematics-
-Legal protection of cross-border use of intellectual property-
-Using social media in writing among Primary School pupils-
-Electronic voting in modern Russia: discussions, technologies, am experiments-
-Vocational Education Systems in Germany and Turkey: Comparative Analysis-
-The Diversity of Adversities with Psychometric Properties Assessment across Youth Categories through Rasch Model-
-Discourse Theory: Language, Politics, and Society-
-AS CARTAS DE ERNEST HEMINGWAY by Robert W. Trogdon & Sandra Spanier-
-Presentation of the dossier. Federico Engels 200 years after his birth: Friedrich Engels or the Global Criticism of the Bourgeois Society as a task-
-Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx: On overcoming material scarcity as an economic condition for the full realization of the communist project of the emancipation of humanity-
-Friedrich Engels: origins of the family, the private property and the State, its relevance today-
-From the sexual division of labor to the naturalization of oppression: a study on the works of Engels and Clastres-
-The role of work in the hominization and humanization-
-Commentary to the prologues of “The situation of the working class in England”, by Friedrich Engels 200 years after his birth-
-Dialectics of nature and entropy in Engels' thought. A discussion with the Ecological Economy-
-Electronic educational resources in the process training-
-Noisy behavior of residents of an apartment building as a matter of neighborly law (the case of relationship between dog owners and neighbors)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 441 a 460 de 989