Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Religación - RGN - Cosecha : [989] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 989
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Contrato ecuatoriano de concesión minera: un estudio legislativo de la Ley Orgánica de Minería-
-Reification and global capitalism. The colonial and imperialist question from History and Class Consciousness-
-Effectiveness of presentation, practice and production method on the development of speaking fluency-
-Reduction of school violence: influence of university environmental factors-
-Proposal for a graphic innovation model aimed at digital transformation-
-El derecho a la libertad: el pragmatismo radical de la resistencia carcelaria en conflictos prolongados-
-Dispendio en mercados emergentes: consumo conspicuo y marcas sostenibles-
-The classification of artisan branches in Ecuador and the prejudice to the labor law of artisans-
-The Letter on Humanism read by Lukács: An attempt at a materialist interpretation of Heidegger-
-Introduction of the dossier. Lukács and History and Class Consciousness, a century later: dialectics, totality, and reification-
-Georg Lukács: Heidegger Redivivus-
-Ethics, Alienation, and Ontology: The impossible is the starting point of each possible-
-Active learning methodologies incorporating TIC’s to develop reading skills in the San Mateo from Manta Educational Unit-
-Orthodox Marxists and the First World War: Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg-
-History, anticipatory consciousness and utopia: the discussion between Georg Lukács and Ernst Bloch on Thomas Müntzer and the dialectical totality-
-Critical notes on financialization in The time of the invested, a reading from Georg Lukács-
-Misrepresented class consciousness in pre-capitalist and capitalist societies-
-Afro-México: algunas apuestas para construir un proyecto educativo propio-
-For a de-construction of the migrant’s epistle in Juicio a un Estado y a un continente by Inongo Vi-Makomè and Ecos de Malabo by Maximiliano Nkogo Esono-
-Emotions and learning in a pandemic context. A sociocultural approach in university students-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 989