Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Kavilando - Cosecha : [682] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 361 a 380 de 682
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The integration of latin american waste pickers or the creation of a new margin-
-Ancestral Knowledge: A Meeting from Critical Interculturality in the Quindío Agroecological Market-
-Montes de María, a Disputed Territory: e War between the Palm Tree and Water-
-The training of social workers from a critical intercultural perspective.-
-e Right to Remain: Legal Mobilization for Access to Urban Land on the Outskirts of Medellin (2010 – 2017)-
-The Declaration of the Atrato River as a subject of rights: an opportunity for the construction of a present-future project of sustainable territory.-
-Is “development” possible, by all means? Great projects, power, and violence in the appropriation of land.-
-“Feeling, thinking, acting: the road of the social scientist.” Fals Borda and the construction of the subject of transformation.-
-Solidarity economy: Contributions to the building of peace.-
-A description of the Damascus Doctrine, its implications and continuities in the dynamics of the “false positive” ¿Has it become international?-
-Notes on the relationship among psychology, politics, and spirituality around techniques, which boost the economy in Colombia.-
-Progress and realization of humanity.-
-The Catalan independentist process: A struggle for popular sovereignty-
-Contributions from black women’ collective initiatives in order to consolidate Afro-reparation in the political transition in Colombia.-
-Investigating the social movements from the margins of the University.-
-Educational resistance processes. ASOINCA activist educators in building a culture of peace.-
-Level of training of math teachers in Boyacá.-
-Boomerang Narrative: an Analysis of Colombian Reality from the Axiomatics of Capital-
-The phenomenon of polarization between ‘Pro Petro’ and ‘Pro Uribe’ in the city of Medellin: Beliefs and emotions mobilized in groups in front of the opponent and their respective political figures.-
-Cognitive effects and personality features in victims of displacement because of development projects in the city of Medellín.-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 361 a 380 de 682