Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Kavilando - Cosecha : [682] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 682
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Art and transformation: resignifying territories-
-The story of a catastrophe-
-Telecoupled systemic analysis and polycentric governance of a Territorial Space for Training and Reincorporation in Antioquia-
-Study of Perception of Psychology Graduates of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios about eir Competencies in the Labor Fields of the Municipality of Pitalito, Huila-
-Reason or immediacy: The rationality of digital nonsense as a mechanism of alienation in postmodernity-
-From Oppressive Speeches to Resistance eories: A Look from Dussel and Freire-
-Narrating Students: Violence, Citizenship, and Peace-
-Enemy’s Dehumanization as an Operational Strategy. From Body Spirit and Institutional Cohesion to Military Ethnocentrism-
-Neo (liberal) Peace Program in Magdalena Medio-
-Social Resistance as Complex-ermodynamic Resistance: Approaches from Complexity and ermodynamics-
-e Articulation of Agendas from Below: A Look at the Crisis-
-Resigning the Body as an Expression of Life, Struggle, and Endurance of Women from Caquetá (Colombia)-
-Between the confusing and the attractive: training (bildung) and subjectivity-
-e Use of Bicycles as a Promoter of Sustainable Mobility: Actions and Effects on Daily Mobility, Improvement of Air Quality and Public Transport in Cities-
-Inti Wayra Research Hotbed: A Case of Active Citizenship Training in the Colombian Post Conflict Epoch-
-Conflicts and paradoxes of the Antioquenean trova. Rural-urban pace in the Twentieth century-
-Antidemocratic Neoliberal Inequality and Ideology-
-Between Yesterday and Today: A Study on the Ancestral Practices of the Embera-Dobida Communities, from the Members of the Community of Uradá, Quibdó. Colombia-
-“I want you for me.” Love on the capital level.-
-Peasant Resistance in the City: e El Naranjal Village, Medellín-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 682