Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 301 a 320 de 682
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Analysis of the human figure in displaced children in Colombia-
-Reconciliation and responsibility: actions of synergy for the construction of a green thought from school. “uncertainty seed.”-
-Implications for the development of people through teacher training in settings in which there are universal developmental processes, mediated by virtual interaction-
-Reparation for victims of dictatorships, armed conflicts and political violence in their components of compensation, satisfaction, rehabilitation, and non-repetition-
-Inventoried knowledge. Critical notes, on the model of indexing of academic publications in Colombia-
-The teaching competences for the instruction of research and the evaluation of research papers and doctoral theses in management-
-Education and digital agora: challenges and horizons for humanistic training-
-Causal factors of child sexual exploitation in boys, girls, and adolescents in Colombia-
-Education, present, and power: the formation of epistemological awareness from the encounter with the other-
-Knowledge, manipulation, and power: the university as a social institution-
-Pedagogical approaches related with the very citizenships in Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy-
-Mercantile language is imposed on college education-
-Publindex: More than a simple indexing process-
-Dialectics of the social outburst in colombia in 2021: ecosystem of the political-economic contest inherent to capitalism-imperialism (part one). Contribution to the analysis of the conjuncture generated by the popular mobilization between april and july-
-e “development” model that, as a hegemonic global project, reconfigures territories-
-Naturalization of intimate partner violence: an experience reported by women-
-Medellín: democratic opportunism or unstoppable democracy?-
-e tragedy of not teaching human rights and not training for a culture of peace. A reading of the Colombian conflict-
-Jesús Santrich, El Rebelde Romántico-
-Contributions for the structuring of a model of education for peace in basic and secondary education-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 301 a 320 de 682