Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Departamento de Psicología Social - UAB - Cosecha : [1254] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 481 a 500 de 1254
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Review of Agulló Albuixech, Agulló Calatayud y Fuertes (2014). La vida cotidiana en Siete Aguas desde Cavanilles hasta el Gran Fondo (1795-1985)-
-Negotiating and Navigating my Fat body - feminist autoethnographic encounters-
-Re/thinking Narrative Productions as a feminist methodological approach: research experiences on romantic love-
-No androcentric perspective in studies of One parent families. Reflections and methodological implications-
-Towards modelling social fluidity I: Theory of social fluidity and theories of complexity-
-Understanding Teenage Motherhood through Feminist Research: A reflection on the challenges-
-Ideological aspects present in the construction of collective memory-
-Towards modelling social fluidity II: from cartography to complex models of social fluidity-
-From margin to center: applying the theoretical framework of Postcolonial feminism to human rights-
-Review of Feenberg & Friesen (Eds.) (2011) (Re)Inventig Internet. Critical Case Studies-
-Feminist dilemmas and embodied reflections: The study of gender identity in people with physical disabilities-
-Ciberfeminist activist research with and among technoartists and hackers-
-The historical development of the fashion system: a theoretical review-
-Thoughts about the research process. A proposal from decolonial feminism-
-Optimization of talent in organizations: Focus on the reality from HR Management-
-How to diagnose a child? Atention Deficit-Hiperactivity Disorder diagnostic strategies from a critical discursive perspective-
-The prison life: ways to endure in a Mexican women’s prison-
-Linguistic repertoires of industrial risks in Pontal da Barra, Maceió-
-State, uses and demands. Grammars of the insecurity´s victims in Argentina-
-Constructing a life history: key decisions in the research process-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 481 a 500 de 1254