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Título : When is Architecture Not Design?
Autor : 
Palabras clave : Philosophy;architecture, design, “design thinking”, architectural objects, cognitive norms;Aesthetics
Editorial : SEyTA. Sociedad Española de Estética y Teoría de las Artes
Descripción : If there’s nothing more to architecture than design, and to its attendant thinking processes than design thinking, then core dimensions of the enterprise from production and use angles have no special character over and above their counterparts in general design.  Yet that does not appear to be true by the lights of architects or design specialists or the public at large.  So what is it, at the core or periphery of the discipline or its objects, that makes architecture not design?  The ways in which architecture and design constitute artistic enterprises, drawing on and promoting aesthetic interest, differ such that architecture is not, or at least not only, a branch of or variation on design generally construed.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives - ICIE - Cosecha

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