Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación - IISUE-UNAM - Cosecha : [495] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 401 a 420 de 495
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Governance, democracy and citizenship: their contribution to equity and to social cohesion in Latin America-
-Academic change. University degrees. From scholasticism to the first essays in the nineteenth century-
-Tutoring: Perspectives of student nurses and teachers-
-Basic education teachers as study subject in postgraduate studies on educational excellence in Brazil-
-Neoliberalism and equity: Chilean society analyzed from the students perspective-
-One strike, various lessons. The strike at the federal universities in Brazil during 2012-
-Reseña del libro El primer año universitario entre jóvenes provenientes de sectores de pobreza: un asunto de equidad de Marisol Silva Laya y Adriana Rodríguez (2012). México, ANUIES (Colección biblioteca de la educación superior. Serie investigaciones 1ª-
-Dialogical participation at the university: a condition for the development of critical thinking and social commitment-
-Historical evolution of the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University at Las Tunas, from an extensionist view-
-What do professors of the Sonora University read? A study on reading as a cultural practice of professors-
-Educational inequality, power hierarchies and symbolic violence in the formation of educational researchers-
-University, development and cooperation in the perspective of Latin America-
-Millionaires or unfortunate: What does the success of graduates depend on?-
-Pablo Latapí and the professionalization of educational research in Mexico-
-Relación de dictaminadores para el volumen III de la RIES-
-Índices del volumen III de la RIES-
-Actions of professors considered as incorrect by medicine students: comparative analysis between two universities-
-Institutional assessment and improvement of educational quality at three private universities in Argentina-
-ICT in classroom work. Impact on didactics planning-
-Twenty five years of the collection La Real Universidad. Estudios y textos (the Royal University. Studies and Texts)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 401 a 420 de 495