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Título : The state of South Africa’s crisis
Autor : Timcke, Scott
Palabras clave : Capital;COVID-19;Crisis;Development;Labour;Political economy;State
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : CLACSO
Resumen : The coronavirus crisis has sent South Africa into an economic slide. To the extent that one can assess these things in such a rapidly changing conjuncture, in this case study, I discuss how this crisis may likely be the proximate trigger for longer-term reconfigurations over the control of South Africa’s commanding heights of the political economy. I briefly overview the social fallout of coronavirus on the country, then transition to the various struggles already underway between the state, capital, and labour to define the agenda for post-crisis reform. The resolution of these struggles will shape prospects for equitable and inclusive development.
Aparece en las colecciones: Grupos de Trabajo

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