Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora - Cosecha : [1399] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 281 a 300 de 1399
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Trust as Rhetoric, Status as Practice: American Merchants and their Agency Relations in the Spanish Caribbean (1798-1822)-
-Historical Stages of the relationship between the International Monetary Fund and Latin America (1944-2015)-
-Consumption and Development in the Third Peronist Government-
-Voluntary Gifts: A Poorly Studied Aspect of the American Politics of Habsburg of Spain (XVI and XVII Centuries)-
-Cienega de Mata, from their Beginning to the End of the Agrarian Reform-
-Political Instability, Institutions and Mortgage Credit in Lima, Peru-
-Raúl Román Romero (ed.), Economía del Caribe colombiano y construcción de nación, 1770-1930-
-Origins and Territorial Processes of Fishing Cooperatives in the zone Pacífico Norte of South Lower California, Mexico, 1850-1976-
-Agrarian Reform and Political Practice in the Context of Development and Modernization, Argentina, 1955-1975-
-The war of Chile against the Peru-Bolivian Confederation (1836-1839): Wheat and Agriculture as a Basis for a National Project-
-The Third Cycle of Coal in Chile, from 1973 to 2013: From Climacteric to Rejuvenation-
-Andrew Paxman, En busca del señor Jenkins. Dinero, poder y gringofobia en México, México, Penguin Random House/CIDE, 2016, 604 pp.-
-Between budgetary conservatism and regional development. Public finances and transportation infrastructure of Minas Gerais in the First Republic-
-Public Works Business Sector and Political Groups during Galvez’s Administration. Santa Fe (Argentina), Second half of 19th Century-
-Trade and atlantization Mexican Pacific and South America. The crisis of lago indiano and Manila Galleon, 1750-1821-
-Tax Collection, Supply and Control Cattle in Colonial Buenos Aires: The propios and arbitrios between 1780-1820-
-The Conference of Chapultepec (1945): Latin American Economic Nationalism versus the Free Market Policies of the United States-
-Brazilian Internationalization and Instruction 113 of SUMOC-
-Enrique Cárdenas Sánchez, El largo curso de la economía mexicana. De 1780 a nuestros días-
-Sergio Valerio Ulloa, Los barcelonnettes en Guadalajara, siglos XIX y XX-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 281 a 300 de 1399