Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora - Cosecha : [1399] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 261 a 280 de 1399
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Hydraulic flour mills in Chile (1700-1845): social and cultural implications-
-On the border: political and economic tensions of the cattle industry in Northern Coahuila, 1947-1982-
-Metasource and the use of geographic information systems in economic history-
-Guillermina del Valle Pavón, Donativos, préstamos y privilegios. Los mercaderes y mineros de la ciudad de México durante la guerra Anglo-Española de 1779-1783, México, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, 2016.-
-Javier Rodríguez Weber, Desarrollo y desigualdad en Chile (1850-2009). Historia de su economía política. Santiago, Chile. Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2017.-
-Patents and Technological Development in Mexico: A comparative study between the Era of Protectionist Industrialization and the Regime of Openness-
-The Distribution of Wealth in Rural Buenos Aires between the End of the Colony and the First Half of the 19th Century. A Moderate and Downward Inequality?-
-The Decline of the Entrepreneur State: Structural Transformations and Performance of Argentine Public Companies (1976-1983)-
-Direct Navigation from Canary Islands to America and Its Role in the Atlantic Commercial System, 1718-1778-
-The Politics of Municipal Budgets: The Conformation of Fiscal Jurisdictions in the Rural Municipalities of the Estado de Buenos Aires (1854-1860)-
-Ecuador and its Monetary Obstinacy: Causes of the Prolonged Validity of the Gold Exchange Standard-
-The Business of the House Hainsworth and Company in Tacna and Arica, 1841-1868. A Look at Regional Trade-
-Zulia State in the Economic Context of the First World War and the Great Depression-
-Evelyne Sánchez, Las elites empresariales y la independencia económica de México. Estevan de Antuñano o las vicisitudes del fundador de la industria textil moderna (1792-1847). Puebla: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla/Fundación Miguel Alemán, A.C./Plaza y Valdés, 2013, 363 pp.-
-The Presence of the Bat’a Shoe Company in Central America and the Caribbean in the Interwar Period (1920-1930)-
-Latin American Roots of the Other-Development: Development Styles and Human Scale Development Approach-
-Latin America between prominent narratives and the age of global history-
-María Silvia Ospital y Graciela Mateo (comps.), Antes de Perón y antes de Frondizi. El nacionalismo económico y la revista SERVIR (1936-1943)-
-Development, Mobility and Social Economy in Baja California: Transportation Cooperatives (1930-1960)-
-The Argentine Automotive Industry and its Sources of Profit: A Long-term Analysis (1960-2013)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 261 a 280 de 1399