Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora - Cosecha : [1399] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 1399
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-María Teresa Muñoz Serrulla (2021). Moneda y crisis monetarias en Filipinas durante la época hispánica (1565-1898).-
-Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2020). The ages of globalization. Geography, technology, and institutions.-
-Javier Pérez Siller (2020). Instauración de un régimen fiscal. Base de la oligarquía porfirista.-
-Michele Alacevich (2021). Albert O. Hirschman: An intellectual biography.-
-Soviet Subsidy and Voluntarism: The Economic Anomalies of Revolutionary Cuba-
-Interconnections between indigenous encomienda and private production unit: The Guambia encomienda of the Belalcázar family, Popayan, 1622-1628-
-Jesuit economic networks at the time of their expulsion (1767): The case of the Colegio Máximo and the Province of Santafé-
-Mariano Schlez (2021). La necesidad es ley suprema. El capital mercantil en el Río de la Plata: del monopolio comercial al industrial (1770-1825).-
-Guillermina del Valle Pavón (coord.) (2020). Negociación, lágrimas y maldiciones en la fiscalidad extraordinaria en la monarquía hispánica, 1620-1814.-
-Manuel Pérez-García (2021). Global history with Chinese characteristics. Autocratic States along the silk road in the decline of the Spanish and Qing empires 1680-1796.-
-Maria-Aparecida Lopes (2022). Rio de Janeiro in the global meat market, c. 1850 to c. 1930. How fresh and salted meat arrived at the Carioca table.-
-"Is brief that space in which you are not?" Gender inequalities in academic economic history in Uruguay-
-Private Interest versus Public Interest in the Mexican Foreign Debt Service, 1842-1845-
-Ownership of the means of production in Cuba: Origins and timeliness of the economic debate-
-Washington Consensus or Beijing Consensus? Dilemmas and contradictions of Ecuador in the 21st century-
-Summaries of Cargo and Tax Revenues of the Royal Treasury of Santiago at the pinnacle of Bourbon Reformism in Chile (1768-1790)-
-The Intent of Chile’s Trade Policy: Adjustments Through and Pragmatism in Legislative Measures, 1850-1914-
-Citizenship and Taxes in Liberal Veracruz: The Personal Taxes, 1860-1890-
-Inequality and tax regressivity during the Brazilian independence (1808-1836)-
-Entrepreneurs in the Construction of Latin American Free Trade Association and the Andean Community-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 1399