Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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-Between participation and resistance: reconstruction of the social fabric from below, beyond the logic of the state-
-By the ways of memory ... The social construction of victim identity-
cien_dias_60.pdf.jpg2007Cien días vistos por CINEP (no. 60 abr 2007). Tema: Por la vida... contra la impunidadAngulo Novoa, Alejandro; Borrero García, Camilo; Delgado, Álvaro; González, Jorge Iván; Medina, Javier Lautaro; Paredes Hernández, Natalia; Saavedra, Maria del Rosario; Tamayo, Camilo Andrés; Torres Bustamante, María Clara; Vásquez, Teófilo; Villa Gómez, Juan David
2022Discursos hegemónicos y captura de la memoria colectiva como barreras psicosociales para la construcción de la paz y la reconciliación en ColombiaVilla Gómez, Juan David; Insuasty Rodríguez, Alfonso; Barrera Machado, Daniela
2021Ethos del conflicto y creencias sociales como barreras psicosociales para la paz y la reconciliación en ColombiaVilla Gómez, Juan David; Andrade, Verónica; Quiceno, Lina Marcela
-From Theology of Liberation to Psychology of Liberation: A Committed Praxis from the Principle of Mercy-
-historical memory from Victims of armed conflict Construction and reconstruction of the political subject-
-Horizontality, expression, and shared knowledge: an approach on psychosocial processes of accompaniment to victims of political violence in Colombia-
-Meanings around reparation, humanitarian assistance, indemnification, and restitution in victims of the armed conflict in the municipality of San Carlos, Antioquia-
-Meanings around the compensation and the restitution for victims of the armed conflict in the municipality of San Carlos.-
-Meanings built around peace by communities resident in the municipality of San Carlos, Antioquia: psychosocial effects of the capture of peace-
-Mutual support, affective leadership, and community rehabilitation. An experience of psychosocial accompaniment for the “rehabilitation” of victims of the armed conflict-
Nombrarloinnombrable.pdf.jpg2007Nombrar lo innombrable. Reconciliación desde las perspectivas de las víctimasSánchez Benítez, Nathalie; Tejada Bermúdez, Carolina; Téllez Luque, Ana María; Villa Gómez, Juan David
-Open chair memory, life stories, and the role of listening in the subjective transformation of victims / survivors of the colombian armed conflict-
-Psycho-socialconsequences of the participation in scenarios of transitional justice within a context of conflict, impunity, and no transition-
-Psychosocial Barriers to the Employment of Former Combatants-
-Social Beliefs and Collective Emotional Orientations about Negotiated Peace in Citizens in Medellín-
-The action and the psychosocial approach of the intervention in social contexts: can we move from the fashion to the theoretical, epistemological, and methodological precision?.-
-The pains that remain are the missing freedoms: political and social construction of the female body in the context of armed conflict in Colombia-
-The phenomenon of polarization between ‘Pro Petro’ and ‘Pro Uribe’ in the city of Medellin: Beliefs and emotions mobilized in groups in front of the opponent and their respective political figures.-