Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.creatorMarín Osorio, William-
dc.descriptionAnte la insistencia del mal, la literatura se constituye en discurso sobrecogedor que permea críticamente los diversos diálogos que circulan en la sociedad, adquiriendo, más allá de su naturaleza estética, una dimensión política como forma de la reparación de la conciencia y liberación del ser frente a las turbulencias sociales. Y ante los totalitarismos de izquierda y de derecha en los que las palabras desaparecidos y tortura adquieren un sentido político, definiendo a su vez los contornos de un nuevo Leviatán, la democracia sigue siendo el sistema de gobierno que permite el desarrollo de la libertad del hombre. En esta doble perspectiva, surge en nuestra reflexión la figura de un Ernesto Sabato humanista, en sus ensayos y en sus novelas, quien cree en la democracia como sistema político en donde es posible que la criatura humana logre desarrollar sus potencialidades creadoras y adquiera la categoría de persona. Con el informe Nunca Más o Informe Sabato, se cristalizan en 50.000 páginas la denuncia que de la condición humana hiciera el creador de ficciones en su Informe sobre ciegos. En sendos informes se nos revela la exploración que hace el artista del problema del mal -que se constituye en el gran proyecto ético y estético del artista como vidente en la perspectiva de la búsqueda de la identidad del hombre argentino-, y de allí surge un Sabato político y esteta que logra definir muy bien su esencia como artista y como hombre de acción. En dichos textos surgen los avatares del hombre latinoamericano desde la historia escondida, desde el dolor y las voces de la
dc.descriptionAt the insistence of evil, literature constitutes overwhelming discourse that permeates critically the various dialogues that circulate in society, acquiring, beyond its aesthetic nature, a political dimension as a way of repairing consciousness and liberation of the being facing social turmoil. And before the totalitarianism of the left and right in which the words missing and torture acquire a political meaning, defining in turn the contours of a new Leviathan, democracy is still the system of government that allows the development of human freedom. In this double perspective, arises in our thinking the figure of a humanist Ernesto Sabato, in his essays and in his novels, who believes in democracy as a political system where it is possible that the human creature is able to develop its creative potential and acquires the category of person. With the report Never Again or Report Sabato, the denunciation that from the human condition it makes the creator of fictions in his Report on blind is crystallized in 50,000 pages. Both reports reveal the exploration that the artist does about the problem of evil -which constitutes itself in the great ethical and aesthetic project of the artist as seer in the perspective of the search for the identity of an Argentine man-, and from there comes an esthete and political Sabato who achieves to define clearly his essence as an artist and as a man of action. In these texts emerge the avatars of the Latin American man from the hidden history, from the pain and the voices of marginality.en-US
dc.descriptionAt the insistence of evil, literature constitutes overwhelming discourse that permeates critically the various dialogues that circulate in society, acquiring, beyond its aesthetic nature, a political dimension as a way of repairing consciousness and liberation of the being facing social turmoil. And before the totalitarianism of the left and right in which the words missing and torture acquire a political meaning, defining in turn the contours of a new Leviathan, democracy is still the system of government that allows the development of human freedom. In this double perspective, arises in our thinking the figure of a humanist Ernesto Sabato, in his essays and in his novels, who believes in democracy as a political system where it is possible that the human creature is able to develop its creative potential and acquires the category of person. With the report Never Again or Report Sabato, the denunciation that from the human condition it makes the creator of fictions in his Report on blind is crystallized in 50,000 pages. Both reports reveal the exploration that the artist does about the problem of evil -which constitutes itself in the great ethical and aesthetic project of the artist as seer in the perspective of the search for the identity of an Argentine man-, and from there comes an esthete and political Sabato who achieves to define clearly his essence as an artist and as a man of action. In these texts emerge the avatars of the Latin American man from the hidden history, from the pain and the voices of
dc.publisherUniversidad Icesies-ES
dc.sourceRevista CS; No 17 (2015): No. 17, Septiembre-Diciembre (2015): Literatura, arte y lenguaje; 17-38en-US
dc.sourceRevista CS; Núm. 17 (2015): No. 17, Septiembre-Diciembre (2015): Literatura, arte y lenguaje; 17-38es-ES
dc.sourceRevista CS; n. 17 (2015): No. 17, Septiembre-Diciembre (2015): Literatura, arte y lenguaje; 17-38pt-BR
dc.titleEl arte como conciencia de la desolación. Dictadura y destino latinoamericanoes-ES
dc.titleArt as awareness of desolation. Latin American dictatorship and destinationen-US
dc.titleA arte como consciência da desolação. Ditadura e destino latino-americanopt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Jurídicos y Sociales - CIES/ICESI - Cosecha

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