Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Jurídicos y Sociales - CIES/ICESI - Cosecha : [904] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 501 a 520 de 904
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-A Heuristic Review at the Results of the PISA Tests (2000-2018): The Reading Skills of 15-year-olds in Mexico-
-Misiones económicas en Colombia y su incidencia en la educación técnica industrial (1930-1960)-
-Educational Implications of Anthropological Knowledge-
-Studies on the Armed Conflict and the Peace Building in Colombia from a Territorial Perspective: Approaches and Challenges-
-State, Illegality, and Social Order from a Comparative Perspective: A Case Study Approach-
-Revisitando la agenda de la seguridad en América Latina-
-Peri-urban Agriculture as Quiet Sustainability: Challenging the Urban Development Discourse in Sogamoso, Colombia-
-Between Redemption and the Path of Inclusion. Treatment Interventions by Non-state Actors in Buenos Aires Prisons-
-Violence and Security at the Urban Margins: the Chilean Response in Neighbourhoods (2001-2019)-
-Organized Crime (Drug Trafficking) and Environmental Preservation, the Pending Issue of Public Safety in Mexico-
-The Secularization of Funeral Rites in Popular Catholicism: Bogotá, Colombia-
-The Heroes of the Pandemic: The Discursive Construction of the Healthcare Workers Collective during the COVID-19 Crisis-
-Union Dissolution in Colombia and their Determinants. A Biographical Approach Based on the 2015 Demographics and Health Survey-
-Teaching in the Midst of Armed Violence: A Visceral Pedagogy from the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro-
-Water Rent in the Irrigation of Extensive Crops in the North of Buenos Aires, Argentina-
-Absence and Presence of the State as a Reproduction Way of Urban Violence in the Aguablanca District (Cali, Colombia)-
-The Community Communication: A Platform for the Social Mobilization and the Defense of the Human Rights-
-La memoria impresa: tradición del pensamiento afrodiaspórico en Colombia-
-Trayectorias políticas e intelectuales afrocolombianas: perspectivas y metodologías para su estudio-
-Intelectualidades afrodiaspóricas contra la razón racializadora-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 501 a 520 de 904