Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo - CIDER/UNIANDES - Cosecha : [560] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 101 a 120 de 560
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-¡Veinte años!-
-Agribusiness, Deforestation and Disputes around the Native Forest Land Management of the Province of Córdoba (Argentina)-
-Coverage Transformations Analysis of Tibanica Urban Wetland, Locality of Bosa, Bogotá D. C.-
-Mezcla, control social y gentrificación-
-Territorial Techniques for Controling the Peruvian Dry Forest: Catacaos Peasantries Facing the Expansion of Agribusiness During a Humanitarian Emergency-
-Configurations of Co-existence and its Imaginaries: Study in Three Neighborhoods of Armenia (Quindío)-
-“The environment is the largest Enterprise in the world”. Social Reconfigurations of Environmental Institutions in Islote, Colombia-
-Protecting the mountain, stripping the peasant. Tensions by Territorial Planning in Viotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia)-
-From Gatherers to Certified Growers: Tensions and Articulations about Territorial Knowledge at the Biological Reserve of the Tuxtlas Biosphere, Veracruz (México)-
-Territorial Appropriation in Belize: An Institutional Genealogy of Property-
-The Transformation of a Capital Neighborhood: The Experience from the Residents of Barrio Escalante together with the Gastronomic Commerce-
-Rodríguez Cortés, Astrid Bibiana, Subjetividades en el espacio público la ciclovía de Bogotá. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz – Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2017, pp. 273-
-Between Intervention Practices and Development Projects: An Approach to the Indigenous Organizational Processes in the Inter-Andean Valleys (Salta, Argentina)-
-Space Appropiation in La Serranía de Manacacías, Colombian Orinoquía-
-The Reemigration of Immigrants in Spain. Beyond Distance and Pull Factors: The Migratory Network Effect (2007-2014)-
-Evaluadores de los números 34 y 35-
-Strategies of Public Land Disposition: Commodification and Inflexions of Urban Neoliberalism in Buenos Aires (2015-2018)-
-Immigration Territoriality of Bolivian Workers in Mendoza (Argentina). Ethnographic Approach Based on Three Case Studies Located in Rural Areas-
-Territorialities and Social Representations Superimposed on the Water vs. Gold Dichotomy: The Socio-Environmental Conflict over Industrial Mining in the Santurbán Moorland-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 101 a 120 de 560