Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe



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Resultados por ítem:
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-Policy Dynamics of the pink tide of regime change in Latin America: Policy Dynamics of the pink tide of regime change in Latin America-
-Teoría del desarrollo crítico: Resultados y perspectivas : Critical Development Theory: Results and Perspectives-
-Neoextractivism and neodevelopmentalism. Actors and disputes around lithium extraction in Bolivia: Neoextractivism and neodevelopmentalism. Actors and disputes around lithium extraction in Bolivia-
-Disputas territoriales, infraestructura y desarrollo en la ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina, en las primeras dos décadas del siglo XXI. : Territorial disputes, infrastructure and development in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, in the first two decades of the XXI century-
-Water justice and development: beyond discourses of green economy, neoliberal human rights and lucrative commons: Water justice and development: beyond discourses of green economy, neoliberal human rights and lucrative commons-
-Developmental decline in Environmental Education Policies in Latin America / Abya Yala: Developmental decline in Environmental Education Policies in Latin America / Abya Yala-
-Unveiled development: From the Decoloniality of Power to Post Development: Unveiled development: From the Decoloniality of Power to Post Development-
-The sticky myth of economic growth and the critique of development: The sticky myth of economic growth and the critique of development-
-Criminology of war in the current realities and the need for its development in Ukraine-