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dc.creatorLaura Oliva Zárate-
dc.creatorLuis Rey Yedra-
dc.creatorElsa Angélica Rivera Vargas-
dc.creatorMaría del Pilar González Flores-
dc.creatorDinorah León Córdoba-
dc.descriptionThe phenomenon of migration can influence vulnerability among family mem­ bers, including teenagers who assume roles they are not ready to perform. The aim of this paper is to identify behavioral problems in teenage children of migrants and non-migrants from Xalapa, Mexico. The cbcl 6-18 years and the question­ naire on factors related to behavioral problems and migration were administered to a representative sample of 2 371 high school students ages 13 to 17 years. The results show that this is an at-risk population that is particularly vulnerable since over 40 percent of adolescents have some sort of problem such as aggression, anxi­ ety or introversion. The types of problems identified and the relationships found concerning demographic variables and migration are discussed.-
dc.publisherEl Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C.-
dc.rightsMigraciones Internacionales-
dc.sourceMigraciones Internacionales (México) Num.2 Vol.7-
dc.subject1 Behavior problems-
dc.subject2 cbcl 6-18-
dc.subject3 family-
dc.subject4 drugs-
dc.subject5 Xalapa-
dc.titlePsychological State of High School Students with Migrant and Nonmigrant Parents-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Colegio de la Frontera Norte - COLEF - Cosecha

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