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Título : Mexico-U.S. Scientific Collaboration in Nanotechnology
Palabras clave : Multidisciplinarias (Ciencias Sociales);Nanotechnology;science and technology policies;science collaboration;research and development;Mexico United States of America
Editorial : El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C.
Descripción : This work is based upon an exploratory analysis of scientific bilateral agreements on nanotechnology (NT) that exist between Mexico and the United States. The analysis was done through the identifation of the main NT research centers in Mexico and the available information they have made public via institutional websites. A second survey was performed to identify key funding institutions. The general conclusion is that there are few opportunities for bilateral collaboration between the countries in the broad NT area. This contrasts with the European Union-Mexico scientific collaboration policy. It seems reasonable to conclude that Mexican NT will likely see its traditional US partnerships decline, relative to those with European countries.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Colegio de la Frontera Norte - COLEF - Cosecha

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