Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : She-austerity. Precariedad y desigualdad laboral de las mujeres en el sur de Europa
Palabras clave : Sociología;Crisis;women;South Europe;gender;precariousness
Editorial : Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Descripción : This article presents a comparative and longitudinal analysis of the situation of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian women since the beginning of the crisis. The study follows three specific objectives: expose the female labor market in the three states; analyze womens labor participation from the perspective of precariousness; and analyze the position of women and men in gender relations from the perspective of gender inequality. The research has been prepared by the technique of documentary analysis of secondary sources of official statistics. We conclude that the crisis has affected women from southern European countries in a similar manner because of their greater compliance with traditional gender roles, but at the same time, some differences between them are observed as a result of the different economic structures, labor legislation and social protection regimes.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública - CIPAP/UAEM - Cosecha

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